The APEx will provide a web based user interface to discover and search available services. This interface is still under construction, so until that time, example processes can be found in our GitHub algorithm repository.
Python service discovery
APEx provides a Python package to discover available services. The package can be installed using pip:
pip instal esa-apex-toolbox
The package allows to list available services:
from esa_apex_toolbox.algorithms import GithubAlgorithmRepositorycatalog = GithubAlgorithmRepository( owner="ESA-APEx", repo="apex_algorithms", folder="algorithm_catalog", )catalog.list_algorithms()
This lists the names, but we are more interested in a more convenient overview of all properties. The library for instance allows to construct a pandas DataFrame with all properties:
import pandas as pdalgorithms = {name:catalog.get_algorithm(name) for name in catalog.list_algorithms()}pd.DataFrame.from_dict(algorithms,orient='index')